Google Classroom Guide

google_classroom400Google Classroom allows you to easily manage the day to day documents of a real class online.

Getting Started

Go to and sign in as a teacher and click create class. You will be given a join code (e.g. 2ghr4t) which you give to your students for them to add themselves to your class. Easy. If you need additional assistance, please watch this video:

Google Classroom Help Center

This is a great resource from Google about how to do all things in Google Classroom. Google Classroom Help Center

Some new features for August 2018.

End-Of-Year Google Classroom Clean-up Tips

As the school year winds down, most teachers go through some sort of check-out procedure for their physical classrooms, making sure everything is properly organized or put away for the summer. In much the same way, you may want to do some clean-up and close-out steps for your Google Classroom.

Updated on October 5, 2018

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