Google has made some changes. Hear me out, these changes are welcome!
Now in Google Slides (browser version, not iPad) there are several interesting new features that will make presenting a more dynamic experience for all involved.
Presenter View
You can click Present and see on your screen what the audience sees on the projection screen, but there is a better way. If you do not mirror your display to the projector, but instead use the projector and your device screen as two separate displays, you can take advantage of some great features. Your audience will see the presentation. You will see your slides, your notes, questions from the audience, and have a way to show those questions if you want. See the video at the bottom of this page for how it looks or read through these descriptions.
First off is the Q&A or feedback feature. If you look next to the ‘Present’ button, you’ll notice a drop-down that allows you to view presenter notes and initialize Q&A.
A new window will pop up and you can start the Q&A by clicking ‘Start New’.
This will cause a URL to be displayed at the top of your presentation.
Your audience members can use this URL to submit questions (either anonymously or with their username if they’re signed in). They can even upvote or downvote each other’s questions if that’s something you desire.
If you navigate back to your presenter window (by pressing CMD+` or the ‘Window’ menu at the top), you can see what questions have been asked and decide which ones you’d like to display on the screen.
Laser Pointer!
When you’re in presentation mode, your menu in the bottom-left corner has a new ‘laser pointer’ feature that will allow you to use your mouse while you’re presenting. Give it a shot by clicking on the ‘Lighting Bolt’ in the menu.
Explanation Video
Printing Slides
You can print your slides with your speaker notes if you need to.