This is a quick guide on how to install/reinstall/update apps with the Manager application that is installed on your Macbook.
1. Open the manager application on your Macbook

2a. If you are logged in you will see the below screen and can click “My Apps” at the bottom left.
If you see a login screen go to step 2b instead.

2b. If the above screen does not appear but you see a login screen instead, you can still go to to “My Apps” by clicking Self-Service.
It is not necessary to insert activation information.

3. Choose one of the following actions:
- Click Install if you would like to install a new application
- Click Update if you would like to update an application that is already installed on your Macbook
- Click Reinstall If you would like to remove an application and install it again. This can be usefull if an application isn’t working properly.