Find an Expert
email an expert at a university
find an expert through the twitter community
Prepare Your Students
- break into groups to research the topic, eg. biographies, early interviews
- guide students into asking open-ended questions that lead to stories or anecdotes, these tend to make the most interesting interviews.
- students formulate questions to ask the expert based on research
- collate the questions into a logical sequence for an interview and print (they may need some light editing)
- select two students to ask the questions during the interview.
- So that each student has a voice, ask the interviewers to phrase the questions like this “This question comes from John, he asks “________””
Running the Video Conference
- Teacher presence in the interview should be not on screen, but it is suggested that you gesture to the interviewers off-camera to get them to skip questions.
- Write an introduction for interviewers to read followed by the student-generated questions in sequential/ logical order
Here is a video to show the results of the conference. We recommend watching the introduction and then skip ahead to some later questions.
- Laptop computer with webcam tends to work best for video conferencing
- External microphone such as a Blue Snowball (available from IT)
- Dongle or AirPlay to connect to a projection device (if more than 2 participants on your side of the conversation)
- External speakers (removed from the mic as far as possible)
We recommend Google Hangouts for ease of use. Note: Google Hangouts on Air is a nice solution if you want to also record the conference for later use.
- Zoom is a new online software that is quite good.
- Skype is a nice option too, but the other party needs a Skype account.
There may be a video conference software dictated by the conference organizer. If there is a new software not listed above, please be sure to test before your event to ensure it works in nistwifi on the actual computer you want to use for the conference.
- Student computers that need to control the video conference will need their network settings changed to allow access to video conferencing.
- Lighting: Be sure to not have a light source behind you. (i.e. do not sit with your back to a window) Be sure to have a light source in front of you (behind the camera in the laptop).
- Background: Try to have a dark and simple (not distracting) background. You can try to have a logo in the background if it helps.
- Audio: Choose your audio output as the TV speakers or an external speaker. Choose your external mic as the input source in your video conference software.
- Video: Watch the conference on your laptop. Send your video to the projection device if there are more than 2 participants on your side of the conference.