Since iPads are meant to be ubiquitous, personal devices, their use in all disciplines is encouraged, so we must agree that it will take some planning and oversight from teachers to make this work smoothly and effectively. This policy is a work in progress and will thus need to be revised as necessary.
Purchasing policies are found on this page.
- iPad use should not create a communication overload
- iPad movement timings are important for learning and teacher obligations (e.g. Specialist teachers need to start lesson on time, Homeroom teacher can’t wait for students to return after school as they may have meeting or ECA)
- Y4-6: Specialist teacher tells students when to bring iPads to Specialist class. Additionally, an email to the HR teacher informing them that students will be taking iPads is helpful, but there should not be a request for the HR teacher to remind students.
- Students are responsible to bring iPads when asked. (not up to HR teacher to remind)
- If student forgets to bring iPad to a specialist class, do not send back to HR class.
- **Y2-3: Specialist teacher sends a Meeting Invite / Appointment using Outlook to the HR teacher for the date/time when iPads needed in specialist class.
- Y2-3 World Language Specialist needs to include each HR teacher affected, with a list of their kids by HR.
Movement Logistics
- If lesson is after a break, students will arrive 5 min. late because they need to get iPads from HR classroom.
- Specialist teachers should walk/escort iPads back to class/hallway until there is evidence that students have sufficient responsibility (depends on age, schedule, etc.)
- Use crossover time to move iPads back to HR class (except for before break, lunch, after school – where students should be sent 5 min early)
Usage Logistics
- All teachers should reinforce the expectations for use of iPads (e.g. when waiting in the hall to go into a classroom)
- Specialist teacher can NOT expect that the children in Y1-3 will use the same iPad in future classes.
- All management of files etc must be confined to the lesson (e.g. shoot, edit, and finish uploading a video within one lesson, OR record some audio, save what is necessary to the web, and delete the audio from the iPad within one lesson)
- All teachers should be familiar with the student agreements (basic, school-wide rules for usage). Y4-6 students have filled out the agreement form.
- Systems/workflow must be in line with practices in HR (regarding rules for use)
**Since there are not a full set of iPads, not all WL classes can use all iPads at once.