Catchy Title
Hey You!
I am only going to read your post if your title is interesting. Come on! Get creative…or visit these title building sites to see if you can come up with something. (Disclaimer, the title building site is not perfect, but they might help)
- SEO – Blog Title Generator
- Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator
- Tweak Your Biz Title Generator
- Fatjoe – Blog Post Title Idea Generator
Goldilocks Principle
A good post is a succinct post. Have you provided enough information without going overboard? The basic rule is a Portfolio post should be 8 to 20 sentences long.
A visual (picture, icon, video, graph, infographic etc.) is often the centrepiece of your post. Make sure you have one.
Does your post have a link to a site, video, or images where the viewer can find out more?