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Veracross Accounting Guide for Budget Holders

This guide teaches staff/faculty Requesters and Budget Holders about entering PRs, approval by Purchasing, authorization, and budgets.

If you are already familiar with making purchase requisitions, please go directly to Veracross Accounting.

Entering and Authorizing a PR (Purchase Requisition)

This video shows you how to enter and later authorize a PR.

The PR Process is as follows:

  1. A requester or budget holder can send an email to purchasing@nist.ac.th to request a source and pricing for materials.
  2. A purchasing agent will find a source and pricing and send to the requester.
  3. The Requester or Budget Holder will then enter a Requisition (PR) in Veracross.
    1. Be sure to choose your Dept/Cost Center, and then Tick Requisition Complete? = Yes
    2. Remember to add a row for VAT 7%.
    3. Add a row for any discounts as an additional item and use a negative Unit Price.
    4. Add supporting files on the Files tab (e.g. invoices, quotations, or catalog pages).
  4. When ready, click Complete. DO NOT TICK Approved? button. That is for Purchasing Agents to indicate that your PR has been verified.
  5. The Purchasing agent will review the PR and tick the Approved button. (For a rush, copy the URL of the PR and send to purchasing dept.)
  6. The Budget Holder will be emailed (the next morning) with a link to the PR in order to Authorize it.
  7. The Budget holder will click link to Dispositions and tick authorize.

Finding a PR in the System To Edit or Copy

You might need to find an old PR to make a copy to not have to re-type very similar items for a repeat purchase.

All About Accounts and Budgets

As a Budget Holder at NIST, you are linked with just your budgets so that you can see your own department or team budget but not anyone else’s budget(s). The budgets/accounts appear in a list in Veracross. This video takes you through the necessary information. Here is the link to the My Budgets Report v3 (Axiom) query.

Over Budget?

If there is an insufficient budget available in any of the GL accounts associated with the budget for the school year of this PR, you will be shown a warning but still allowed to save your PR. The Purchasing agent will not be able to Approve your PR. If you have an available budget elsewhere and wish to transfer please contact Khun Nui (sunitayav@nist.ac.th) in Accounting for approval and action.


If you have any further questions, please ask Technology Support, and they will be happy to assist you.

Updated on June 14, 2021

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