NIST Makerspace

Have you taken anytime to visit the NIST Makerspace Website and blog? There are some amazing things happening in that learning space. How can we help you integrate #designthinking and #makermindset into your teaching and learning? Give us a shout we would love to talk about ways to make this happen for your learners!

“When trends take off like this, it always has me thinking about the why. Why is it that there is such an insurgence in maker spaces in education? What is it about our education system that was lacking that required this move? Why now?
I think educators have realized how important a role student advocacy and student-led inquiry and learning is to provide our young thinkers opportunities to hone skills that will serve them throughout their lives (problem solving, innovative thinking, critical awareness and analysis, resourcefulness, collaboration, creativity, communication…I’m sure there are others). I see how maker spaces can provide a venue for some of those rich experiences.” KKeerybi

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Updated on November 5, 2016

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